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edTPA for West Virginia

Effective April 12, 2023, the West Virginia Board of Education (WVBE) adopted edTPA as reflected in the West Virginia Licensure Testing Directory as an acceptable nationally normed teacher performance assessment for initial teacher certification. Educator preparation programs may request approval to implement edTPA within their programs. Individuals with a valid Provisional Professional Teaching Certificate that is non-transferrable may use passing scores on the edTPA to meet part of the criteria necessary for conversion to a transferable certificate as described in WVBE Policy 5202.
The following cut scores will be effective for all portfolios submitted on or after August 4, 2023:
Handbook | Passing Score |
13-Rubric Handbook | 31 |
15-Rubric Handbook | 36 |
18-Rubric Handbook | 43 |
For official information on teacher licensure requirements in West Virginia, please visit the TeachWV.com website and Office of Certification at the West Virginia Department of Education.
Testing requirements for teacher certification may be accessed within the most recently approved version of the West Virginia Licensure Testing Directory.
Educator Preparation Program Providers
Please visit the West Virginia Licensure Testing Directory for the following information:
- Testing requirements for teacher certification
- Approved West Virginia endorsement-to-handbook alignment
For additional assistance with support in determining the appropriate edTPA assessment handbooks to use for your approved program, you may check with the Office of Educator Development and Support at 304-558-3119 (responsible for program approvals) or the Office of Certification at 304-558-7010.
Visit edtpa.org for handbooks, the Resource Library, and other resources for stakeholders.
Assessment Areas for West Virginia
Assessment Areas for West Virginia
Candidates should check with their faculty advisor (traditional programs) or an educator preparation program provider representative (county-based alternative, Option 3 or WVDE alternative certification program) to select the appropriate teacher performance assessment for their approved program before registering.
The table below matches initial teaching licensure areas with the edTPA handbooks approved by the West Virginia Department of Education. Please refer to the West Virginia Licensure Testing Directory for complete details.
Endorsement Code | West Virginia Endorsement | edTPA Handbook Alignment | Passing Score |
0201 | Agriculture 5–Adult | Agriculture Education | 36 |
1950 | Algebra I 5–Adult | Secondary Mathematics | 36 |
1907 | Algebra II 5–Adult | Secondary Mathematics | 36 |
1550 | American Sign Language PreK–Adult, 5–Adult | World Languages | 31 |
0300 | Art PreK–Adult, 5–Adult, 5–9 | Visual Arts | 36 |
2600 | Biology 9–Adult | Secondary Science | 36 |
0600 | Business Education 5–Adult, 9–Adult | Business Education | 36 |
0603 | Business Education/Marketing 5–Adult, 9–Adult | Business Education | 36 |
2700 | Chemistry 9–Adult | Secondary Science | 36 |
-- | Chemistry/Physics 9–Adult | Secondary Science | 36 |
1275 | Chinese PreK–Adult, 5–Adult | World Languages | 31 |
2050 | Dance PreK–Adult, 5–Adult | Peforming Arts | 36 |
0900 | Driver Education 9–Adult | There is currently no edTPA handbook for this area | N/A |
3601 | Early Childhood Education K–4 | Early Childhood Education | 36 |
Elementary Literacy | 36 | ||
Elementary Mathematics | 36 | ||
Elementary Education: Literacy with Mathematics Task 4 | 43 | ||
Elementary Education: Mathematics with Literacy Task 4 | 43 | ||
3603 | Early Education PreK–K | Early Childhood Education | 36 |
2910 | Earth & Space Science 5–Adult | Secondary Science | 36 |
3600 | Elementary Education K–6 | Elementary Literacy | 36 |
Elementary Mathematics | 36 | ||
Elementary Education: Literacy with Mathematics Task 4 | 43 | ||
Elementary Education: Mathematics with Literacy Task 4 | 43 | ||
-- | Elementary Mathematics Education K–6 | Elementary Mathematics | 36 |
1000 | English 5–Adult | Middle Childhood English Language Arts | 36 |
1030 | English 5–9 | Secondary English Language Arts | 36 |
1050 | English as a Second Language PreK–Adult | English as an Additional Language | 36 |
1706 | Family & Consumer Science 5–Adult | Family and Consumer Sciences | 36 |
1100 | French PreK–Adult, 5–Adult | World Languages | 31 |
1905 | General Mathematics through Algebra I 5–9 | Middle Childhood Mathematics | 36 |
2900 | General Science (5–Adult) | Secondary Science | 36 |
2905 | General Sciences (5–9) | Middle Childhood Science | 36 |
1908 | Geometry 5–Adult | Secondary Mathematics | 36 |
1200 | German PreK–Adult, 5–Adult | World Languages | 31 |
2205 | Health PreK–Adult, 5–Adult | Health Education | 36 |
0615 | Instructional Technology PreK–Adult | Educational Technology Specialist | 36 |
1250 | Japanese PreK–Adult, 5 Adult | World Languages | 31 |
3900 | Journalism 5–Adult, 9–Adult | Secondary English Language Arts | 36 |
1300 | Latin 5–Adult, PreK–Adult | Classical Languages | 31 |
0710 | Marketing 9–Adult | Business Education | 36 |
1900 | Mathematics (Comprehensive) 5–Adult | Middle Childhood Mathematics | 36 |
Secondary Mathematics | 36 | ||
2000 | Music PreK–Adult | K–12 Performing Arts | 36 |
3700 | Oral Communications 5–Adult, 9–Adult | Secondary English Language Arts | 36 |
2210 | Physical Education PreK–Adult, 5–Adult, 5–9 | Physical Education | 36 |
2500 | Physics 9–Adult | Secondary Science | 36 |
3606 | Preschool Education PreK–PreK | Early Childhood Education | 36 |
4300 | Reading Specialist PreK–Adult | Literacy Specialist | 36 |
1400 | Russian PreK–Adult, 5–Adult | World Languages | 31 |
3440 | School–Library Media PreK–Adult | School Librarian/Library Specialist | 36 |
3000 | Social Studies 5–Adult | Secondary History/Social Studies | 36 |
3030 | Social Studies 5–9 | Middle Childhood History/Social Studies | 36 |
1500 | Spanish PreK–Adult, 5–Adult | World Languages | 31 |
0608 | Technology Education 5–Adult | Technology and Engineering Education | 36 |
1055 | Theatre PreK–Adult, 5–Adult | K–12 Performing Arts | 36 |
2250 | Wellness (Health–Physical Education Combined Major) PreK–Adult | Health Education | 36 |
Physical Education | 36 | ||
Special Education | |||
4116 | Autism PreK–PreK, K–6, 5–Adult | Special Education | 36 |
4112 | Emotional/Behavior Disorders K–6, 5–Adult | Special Education | 36 |
4117 | Deaf and Hard of Hearing PreK–Adult | Special Education | 36 |
4500 | Gifted 1–12 | Special Education | 36 |
4113 | Intellectual Disabilities K–6, 5–Adult | Special Education | 36 |
4115 | Multi–Categorical (E/BD, MI, SLD, excluding Autism) K–6, 5–Adult | Special Education | 36 |
4122 | Preschool Special Needs PreK–K | Special Education | 36 |
4104 | Severe Disabilities K–Adult | Special Education | 36 |
4105 | Specific Learning Disabilities K–6, 5–Adult | Special Education | 36 |
4203 | Visual Impairment PreK–Adult | Special Education | 36 |
For Additional Information
West Virginia Department of Education
For additional information regarding edTPA state policies, please review state participation information at edtpa.org .
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