News and Resources
While we work to enhance the website, we have provided direct links to the most frequently accessed materials and resources on this page.
Assessment Materials for 2021–2022 Program Year
There were no updates to handbooks and templates for the 2021–2022 operational year. edTPA assessment materials for the 2021–2022 program year are available in the Resource Library for faculty. These materials correspond with the versions of assessment materials available for candidates in the Pearson ePortfolio system and integrated platform provider systems as of August 25, 2020.
The Assessment Materials Version Chart and Errata available for download in the Resource Library lists the most current version of the assessment materials available through edTPA.com (and Texas edTPA Pilot for Texas candidates) and the integrated platform provider systems. The Assessment Materials Version Chart provides an overview of the most current version of all edTPA assessment materials available for the 2021–2022 program year. The Errata provides corrections and clarifications to the edTPA handbooks, templates, and candidate support resources.
Below are direct links to selected assessment materials.
All National Handbooks - The edTPA handbooks provide candidate instructions for developing and submitting the required artifacts and commentaries.
All National Templates - Template files are provided for all edTPA written commentaries, including Context for Learning Information, Planning Commentary, Instruction Commentary, and Assessment Commentary.
Academic Language Summary Handouts - Complete Collection - These handouts summarize the concept of academic language within the context of edTPA and provide subject-specific examples of language functions, demands, and supports. This set includes all fields except Early Childhood and World/Classical Languages, as this resource does not apply to those subject areas. We encourage faculty/programs to use this go-to resource when discussing the role of academic language in edTPA with candidates.
Understanding Rubric Level Progressions - Complete Collection - This set of subject-specific documents is intended to support faculty and candidates in understanding the rubrics. It is based on the documents that guide scoring decisions in each field. For each rubric, there is a brief description of the focus, criteria used in determining a score, and elaborated descriptions of rubric-level distinctions.
edTPA Administrative Reports - The reports present evidence for validity of edTPA scores and interpretations, and analyses that demonstrate that edTPA effectively assesses the three tasks for which it is designed–planning, instruction, and assessment of student learning. Candidate performance is analyzed by demographic, geographic setting, and other factors.
Completing edTPA in a Virtual Learning Environment Webinars - In these 60-minute webinars, teacher educators share their experiences in preparing candidates to gather evidence in the virtual learning environment that meets all requirements for successful completion of their edTPA portfolio, and participants receive technical support and detailed information about submission requirements.
Content-Specific edTPA Webinars - In each of these 90-minute webinars, facilitators review the edTPA handbook requirements for the associated content-specific fields. The facilitator and panelist(s) also share effective strategies they have used when supporting teacher candidates to prepare for and complete edTPA.
The edTPA program has a "Virtual Learning Environment" option available to teacher candidates who prepare and provide instruction to students in virtual and hybrid environments. For more information, please visit edTPA.com (or Texas edTPA Pilot for Texas candidates).
If you provide support to teacher candidates completing edTPA and need additional assistance, please contact us at edTPAEPPSupport@pearson.com.