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edTPA for Alabama

Alabama candidates are required to earn a passing score on a teacher performance assessment for initial certification. The edTPA is the required assessment for individuals completing an Alabama Educator Preparation Program. It may also be used to meet the performance assessment requirement for alternative certification approaches. Please visit Alabama Teacher Certification - Alabama State Department of Education (alabamaachieves.org) for additional information.
Registration for edTPA requires an Alabama State Department of Education (ALSDE) assigned AIM ID. An Individual who has completed the background review process or had any scores submitted to the ALSDE should have a valid ALSDE assigned AIM ID. To search for the AIM ID, please visit TCERT - Search Certificates (alsde.edu).
Additional information regarding certification in Alabama may be found at Alabama Teacher Certification - Alabama State Department of Education (alabamaachieves.org) .
Assessment Areas for Alabama
Assessment Areas for Alabama
The table below matches initial teaching certification areas with the Alabama approved edTPA handbooks and passing scores. Candidates should confirm their assessment selection with their advisor before registering.
Certification Field | edTPA Handbook | AL Passing Score |
Agriscience (6–12) | Agricultural Education | 37 |
Biology (4–8; 6–12) | Middle Childhood Science (4–8) Secondary Science (6–12) | 37 |
Business/Marketing Education (6–12) | Business Education | 37 |
Career Technologies (6–12) | Technology and Engineering Education | 37 |
Chemistry (4–8; 6–12) | Middle Childhood Science (4–8) Secondary Science (6–12) | 37 |
Computer Science (6–12) | At this time, no edTPA is required for this field. | |
Early Childhood Education (P–3) | Early Childhood | 37 |
Elementary Education (K–6) | Elementary Education: Literacy with Mathematics Task 4 | 44 |
English for Speakers of Other Languages (P–12) | English as an Additional Language | 37 |
English Language Arts (4–8; 6–12) | Middle Childhood English-Language Arts (4–8) Secondary English-Language Arts (6–12) | 37 |
Family and Consumer Sciences Education (6-12) | Family and Consumer Science | 37 |
General Science (4–8; 6-–12) | Middle Childhood Science (4–8) Secondary Science (6–12) | 37 |
General Social Studies (4–8; 6–12) | Middle Childhood History/Social Studies (4–8) Secondary History/Social Studies (6–12) | 37 |
Geography (4–8; 6–12) | Middle Childhood History/Social Studies (4–8) Secondary History/Social Studies (6–12) | 37 |
Health Education (4–8; 6–12) | Health Education | 37 |
Health Science (6–12) | At this time, no edTPA is required for this field. | |
History (4–8; 6–12) | Middle Childhood History/Social Studies (4–8) Secondary History/Social Studies (6–12) | 37 |
Mathematics (4–8; 6–12) | Middle Childhood Mathematics (4–8) Secondary Mathematics (6–12) | 37 |
Physical Education (6–12, ABC only); P–12) | Physical Education | 37 |
Physics (4–8; 6–12) | Middle Childhood Science (4–8) Secondary Science (6–12) | 37 |
Technical Education (AL Approved Program) (6–12) | At this time, no edTPA is required for this field. | |
Languages Other Than English (P–12; 4–8; 6–12)
American Sign Language
*Only current certification areas are listed. Additional programs for Languages Other Than English may be developed.Arabic Chinese French German Japanese Russian Spanish | World Language | 32 |
Classic Languages (P–12; 4–8; 6–12)
*Only current certification areas are listed. Additional programs for Classical Languages may be developed. | Classical Languages | 32 |
Special Education
Collaborative Teacher (K–6)
Collaborative Teacher (6–12) Early Childhood Special Education (P–3) Hearing Impairment (P–12) Severe Multiple Disabilities (P–12) Visual Impairment (P–12) | Special Education *Please note: At this time, no edTPA is required for the field of Gifted (P–12). | 37 |
Arts (P–12)
Music, Choral Music Music, Instrumental Music Theatre Visual Arts | K–12 Performing Arts (for Dance; Music, Choral Music; Music, Instrumental Music; Theatre) Visual Arts (for Visual Arts only) | 37 |
Technical Education (6–12)
Advertising Design
Animation Aviation Technology Automotive Service Building Construction Cabinetmaking Carpentry Collision Repair Commercial Photography Computer Electronics Cosmetology Culinary Arts Database Design Diesel Technology Drafting Design Technology Electrical Technology Electronics Technology Emergency and Fire Management Services Engineering Graphic Arts Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning, and Refrigeration (HVACR) Industrial Maintenance - Electrical and Instrumentation Industrial Maintenance – Mechanical Law Enforcement Legal Services Manufacturing Marine Technology Masonry Network Systems and Computer Services Power Equipment Plumbing Precision Machining Programming and Software Development Television Production Welding |
At this time, no edTPA is required for this field. |
Multiple Certifications Based on Approved Programs
Only one edTPA portfolio is to be submitted per applicant. Please use the following table for areas in which an applicant is being recommended for more than one area of certification.Multiple Certifications Based on Approved Programs | Required edTPA Handbook | AL Passing Score |
Collaborative K–6 and Collaborative 6–12 | Special Education | 37 |
Collaborative K–6 and Childhood Special Education | Special Education | 37 |
Collaborative K–6 and Early Childhood | Early Childhood | 37 |
Collaborative K–6 and Elementary Education | Elementary Education: Literacy with Mathematics Task 4 | 44 |
Collaborative K–6, Collaborative 6–12, and Elementary Education | Elementary Education: Literacy with Mathematics Task 4 | 44 |
Collaborative 6–12 and any 6–12 teaching field | The current handbook required for the specific 6–12 teaching field. | See specific teaching field for required score |
Collaborative 6–12 and any P–12 teaching field | The current handbook required for the specific P–12 teaching field. | See specific teaching field for required score |
Early Childhood and Early Childhood Special Education | Early Childhood | 37 |
Early Childhood and Elementary Education | Elementary Education: Literacy with Mathematics Task 4 | 44 |
Early Childhood, Early Childhood Special Education, Collaborative K–6, and Elementary Education | Elementary Education: Literacy with Mathematics Task 4 | 44 |
Early Childhood, Elementary Education, and Early Childhood Special Education | Elementary Education: Literacy with Mathematics Task 4 | 44 |
English for Speakers of Other Languages and Languages Other Than English | English as Additional Language | 37 |
Health Education and Physical Education | Physical Education | 37 |
Physics and Mathematics (UA Only) | Secondary Science | 37 |
Passing Scores for Alabama
13-Rubric Handbooks | 32 |
15-Rubric Handbooks | 37 |
18-Rubric Handbooks | 44 |
If you have additional questions about using the edTPA for certification in Alabama, please contact the ALSDE, Educator Assessment for specific details at 334-694-4872.
For additional information regarding edTPA state policies, please review state participation information at edtpa.org .
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