2025 California Field Test for Multiple Subject, Literacy with Mathematics and Education Specialist, Literacy (MMSN, ESN)
Commission-approved educator preparation programs have been invited to participate in the Multiple Subject, Literacy with Mathematics and Education Specialist, Literacy (MMSN, ESN) field tests. Field test data—including feedback from surveys of participating teacher candidates, preparation program faculty, and assessors—will inform further revisions to the Multiple-subject, Literacy with Mathematics and Education Specialist, Literacy (MMSN, ESN) assessments.
All candidate submission materials related to the field test will be kept confidential and secure.
Registration is by approved vouchers only. Candidates will receive voucher codes from their programs.
Performance assessment requiring demonstration of literacy instruction
California Teaching Performance Expectations
Preschool/Transitional Kindergarten Learning Foundations (PTKLF)
Preliminary Education Specialist Teaching Credential Program Standards, and Teaching Performance Expectations
Standards Introduction | International Literacy Association
SBE-Adopted ELA/ELD Framework - ELA/ELD Framework (CA Dept of Education)
Common Core State Standards - Resources (CA Dept of Education)
California Dyslexia Guidelines - Announcements & Current Issues (CA Dept of Education)
CA PTKLF At-a-Glance - Resources (CA Dept of Education)
- Where to access the current field test materials.
Submission and Reporting Dates
Scores are available at 10 p.m. Pacific time on the results reporting date.

Policies and Rules
When you register for the field test, you must agree to abide by all program rules and policies.
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